All games from SNK (ordered by year)
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Cabinet Name Status Year Manufacturer ROM
P.O.W. - Prisoners of War (US version 1) good 1988 SNK pow
Datsugoku - Prisoners of War (Japan) good 1988 SNK powj
TouchDown Fever 2 good 1988 SNK tdfever2
Beast Busters (World) imperfect 1989 SNK bbusters
Beast Busters (US, Version 2) imperfect 1989 SNK bbustersu
Genshi-Tou 1930's good 1989 SNK gensitou
Ikari III - The Rescue (Rotary Joystick) good 1989 SNK ikari3
Ikari III - The Rescue (8-Way Joystick) good 1989 SNK ikari3nr
Mechanized Attack (World) good 1989 SNK mechatt
Mechanized Attack (US) good 1989 SNK mechattu
Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (World) good 1989 SNK prehisle
Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (US) good 1989 SNK prehisleu
SAR - Search And Rescue (World) good 1989 SNK searchar
SAR - Search And Rescue (Japan) good 1989 SNK searcharj
SAR - Search And Rescue (US) good 1989 SNK searcharu
Street Smart (US version 2) good 1989 SNK streetsm
Street Smart (US version 1) good 1989 SNK streetsm1
Street Smart (Japan version 1) good 1989 SNK streetsmj
Street Smart (World version 1) good 1989 SNK streetsmw
The Next Space good 1989 SNK tnextspc
Baseball Stars Professional (NGM-002) good 1990 SNK bstars
Baseball Stars Professional (NGH-002) good 1990 SNK bstarsh
Cyber-Lip good 1990 SNK cyberlip
Puzzled / Joy Joy Kid good 1990 SNK joyjoy
League Bowling good 1990 SNK lbowling
Mahjong Kyo Retsuden (NGM-004)(NGH-004) good 1990 SNK mahretsu
NAM-1975 (NGM-001)(NGH-001) good 1990 SNK nam1975
Neo-Geo good 1990 SNK neogeo
Riding Hero (set 1) good 1990 SNK ridhero
Riding Hero (set 2) good 1990 SNK ridheroh
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